Alan Anderson


What do you do for a living?
I work at an online education company called CoachingActuaries to help aspiring actuaries pass their actuarial exams and go further in their careers as an actuary. My responsibility is to develop software. And to oversee and mentor the software platform development team.

I also own Crown Cleaners, a dry cleaning and laundry service in West Des Moines. My responsibility is to mentor the leadership team.

When did you begin serving as an elder?

What is your testimony of faith in Christ?
The Lord saved me at the age of 13 when I recognized my sin and the need for His Grace. I did not grow in the Lord but drifted in life for about 12 years. At that point, I was exposed to a local church that preached the Word with power and clarity and a few key people in that church loved me. Wow, His Word has gripped my soul ever since.

Barb and I were married in the spring of 1981. We have 5 children and 5 grandchildren.

Where are you from?
I grew up on a ranch in Nebraska.

What are some books (other than the Bible) that are favorites?

  • How People Change by Paul Tripp.
  • Knowing God by J.I. Packard
  • Abide in Christ by Andrew Murray,

What are some of your hobbies and interests?
I like hiking and spending time with friends and family.