Theology Training Program

We believe the primary location for theological education should be the local church.

The Theology Training Program consists of three courses: Christian Belief: Systematic Theology, Christian Story: Biblical Theology, and Christian Formation: Practical Theology. Together these courses provide a space for more in-depth study, discipleship, and theological formation than our Life classes. It also demands more of participants through required readings, short reflective writing assignments, and attendance at monthly live seminars.

The Theology Training Program consists of three courses: Christian Belief: Systematic Theology, Christian Story: Biblical Theology, and Christian Formation: Practical Theology. Together these courses provide a space for more in-depth study, discipleship, and theological formation than our quarterly Life classes. It also demands more of participants through required readings, short reflective writing assignments, and attendance at monthly live seminars.

The Theology Training Program is offered in a synchronous online format consisting of an online classroom and monthly live seminars. Recorded video lectures are aimed at equipping students with biblically based practical means for growing in Christlikeness through the exploration of particular doctrines and issues from core areas of systematic, biblical, and practical theology. Seminars are designed to provide an active learning environment. They consist of a variety of guided discussion and workshop-based experiences aimed at helping participants practically apply biblical teaching and theological reasoning to the Christian life. Seminar sessions will be led by GLC elders with many of the seminars including guest speakers from top evangelical seminaries from across the country who are experts in particular topics we’ll be covering in our live sessions. 

We realize the Theology Training Program is a big commitment, and we ask all participants to attend each monthly seminar and complete any work required outside of seminar time. Therefore, according to course syllabi, participants should expect to: 

  1. Purchase all five course textbooks prior to beginning the TTP
  2. Read on average 25 pages per week from assigned textbooks
  3. Watch one to two, 30 to 45-minute video lectures per week via the online classroom prior to seminar attendance
  4. Attend and be actively engaged in all eleven monthly, live seminars (there will be no seminar meeting the month of December)
  5. Complete all written assignments by their due dates (*though not required, these assignments offer a great enrichment opportunity for those who choose to complete them)
  6. Use this training to better love, serve, and disciple those who call GLC home, and intentionally engage with and evangelize unbelievers

If you desire to know more about God through his Word, how His story informs your beliefs, and how to apply those beliefs to every sphere of your life, the Theology Training Program is for you. The TTP is designed for growing disciples of Christ who desire to be equipped for ministry and mission in whatever context God has placed them. The TTP  is designed with GLC members in mind and is particularly suited for current and aspiring ministry leaders and volunteers, but all men and women are encouraged to participate.

Most coursework is completed on your own according to individual course syllabi. Typically, seminar sessions are on the last Sunday of each month from 8:00-9:00 pm. Specific dates and times for live monthly seminar sessions can be found in the individual course syllabi available through the online classroom, and the digital course calendar.

  1. Online classroom:
    1. Access to video lectures for all three courses taught by Dr. Caleb Lenard, Equipping Pastor at Grace Life Church
    2. Access to course syllabi, class notes, assignment guidelines, and other helpful materials
  2. Textbooks
    1. Christian Theology: The Biblical Story and Our Faith by Christopher Morgan
    2. 40 Questions About Biblical Theology by Jason DeRouchie, Oren Martin, & Andrew Naselli
    3. Formed in His Image: A Guide for Christian Formation by Coleman Ford
    4. How People Change by Timothy Lane & Paul David Tripp
    5. Finding the Right Hills to Die On: The Case for Theological Triage by Gavin Ortlund

There is no cost for the program, but participants are required to purchase their own books which totals about $125.

Some scholarships are available, so please do not let the cost keep you from participating in the program.

  1. Through Contextualized Leadership Development (CLD), Spurgeon College at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary partners with like-minded churches, associations, and ministries to deliver accredited, accessible, and flexible ministry training. The CLD Program offers a pathway to tuition-free undergraduate, and for qualifying students, graduate level credit toward a degree program at Spurgeon College and/or Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
  2. While lectures and live seminars will be identical, those taking the TTP for credit should expect more reading, papers, and other learning exercises than those pursuing the non-credit option. Students taking the class for credit should plan on approximately 6-7 hours of coursework each week. The TTP at Grace Life Church contributes 12 credit hours toward an undergraduate or graduate degree program. Please email or see Pastor Caleb for more details.

Enrollment for the 2024 TTP cohort is now closed. Open enrollment for the 2025 TTP cohort will begin November 1st on a first-come, first-served basis until all open slots are filled. Beginning November 1st, you may click the button below to register.